
The Last of Grinoldy

Guest Article by Conz

Love, Connection, Understanding, and Communication

  God is Love. Love, in itself, cannot be sinful. Many of the things modern society will tell you are love are simply not love. Sodomy, transgenderism, unlimited immigration, and many other things, are all forms of hatred. Hatred of the designs of God, hatred of your own countrymen. But love is good. But what is it? Your typical person might think they know what it is, but they do not. Love is a powerful feeling of desiring good for something or someone, and to be closer to it. God is Love because He desires to be united with all creation, and desires good for all creation. Men, in their fallen state, experience this longing in many different ways, and often will pursue the completion of this desire through sinful means. An unfocused longing for something will ALWAYS lead to the annihilation of the affected person. What can be done about this? Your average person with no real understanding of heaven or what is actually good in the universe cannot resist but to fall into his base passions when encountering longing. And why should we be surprised? Many of those who DO have some understanding of God cannot help but do the same! The fallen nature receives longing and knows not where it should go. But intellectually it is simple to understand that it must only go back to the source. That is, the Lord. Love God, and you will love everything and everyone with perfection. But the tragedy lies in the difficulty of this. Due to the horrific state of mankind, very few have achieved this while still on earth.

  Interpersonal longing, or more simply, loving another person, is a common form of love even in today's decayed world. Which is good. Except many not only do not know the proper way of doing things, but outright reject them entirely. But it is easy enough to disregard these people as fools. True love of this kind is the longing for connection with someone, which can only take a few good forms. Friendship, romantic love (which would always ultimately lead to marriage), and parental love. Connection is good. Humanity was created to live in groups in the first place. However, the fall completely annihilated the ease of which connections of any meaning could be formed, and even those that still arise are flawed.

  Before the fall, Adam and Eve had a perfect understanding of each other. Absolutely perfect. They knew everything there was to know about one another. It could be said that they understood each other to such an extent that it would've been impossible to determine where Adam ended and where Eve began, if there was such a distinction at all. After partaking of the forbidden fruit, this was lost to them. Now they had to talk to each other in order to grasp the thoughts of another person. And it is much more difficult that way. In fact, it is completely impossible to understand someone with perfection using language. Take a real-life example. God is the only person that perfectly understands you. Has He ever spoken to you directly? It's entirely unnecessary for Him. He knows everything without asking, without speaking, without even thinking about speaking. It is like breathing for Him to understand His own creation, like how it was like breathing for Adam and Eve to know each other.

  Thus, we arrive at one of the worst conzequences of the fall: the inability to understand other people in a real manner. How many times have you said something you thought should be easy to get, and the person you were speaking to just seemed more conzfused than they were previously? The complete scope of this severance from what would be natural to us is quite horrific, though we may not see that immediately. In the same way that pain during childbirth seems natural to us, so too do the failures of human language. This is ultimately where loneliness comes from. NOBODY on earth truly understands you. Nor will they ever. You can try, you can get partway there with a friend or spouse you speak with for ages, but to expect that to result in perfect understanding is like believing you can count to infinity. It is just not possible to do.

  Post-fall human love is damaged to such a degree by this that it will remain impossible to be truly understood by your fellow man until after the Last Judgement. Lament, yet also rejoice! What is now destroyed shall soon be repaired! Though, lamentation is more relevant for us at the current time, seeing as you are not dead, and neither am I, yet. How can we cope with this? What is the temporary solution to this temporary problem? I don't know. Perhaps the best thing is to be aware of your limitations in this. And to not worry about it either. But I guess that's the same as everything else. How frustrating.


Guest Article